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Communication - Finetuning your Personal Approach


How to shape, craft and deliver your message to get the results you want!

We will look at communication in a variety of formats and analyze how to motivate and share methods.

All Sessions run 60-minutes:

July 6-10: 11 am EST

July 13-17: 2 pm EST and 4:30 EST

July 20-24: 11 am EST

August 3-7: 11 am EST

August 10-14: 2 pm EST

Creating your Personal Brand - Entrepreneur Edge

Sharpen your entrepreneurial thinking to notice and respond to opportunities that impact you and your community. Determine your personal brand. Lots of fun “off the wall” problem solving to create your personal brand.

Week of:

July 6-10: 4:30 pm EST

July 13-17: 4:30 pm EST

July 20-24: 4:30 pm EST

July 27-31: 11 am EST

August 3-7: 4:30 pm EST

Communication - Storytelling and Market Messaging

Additional communication sessions in the context of story telling and crafting a message to a market by examining existing campaigns and creating own communications.

All programs run for 1 hour:

July 6-10: 2 pm EST

July 13-17: 11 am EST

July 20-24: 2 pm EST

August 10-14: 11 am EST

August 3-7: 4:30 pm EST

Questions?  Please Contact:   Michelle Julet / 650-245-9218 /